10 Years of Art All Night in Trenton, NJ

This past weekend I happily participated in Art All Night, Trenton experience. for the 3rd time. If (you've been living under a rock, and) you aren't familiar with Art All Night Trenton, it is a 24 hour grassroots art movement, which empowers local artists of all ages, skill levels and mediums to come together for a public show, in an urban setting filled with live music, films, and interactive events. It is free for anyone to submit artwork, and it is free to attend. It is held once a year in mid June, in the historic Roebling Wire warehouse. Which has an interesting past all of it's own. In fact, at the turning point of the industrial revolution, leading into the technological revolution, Roebling Wire Complex, inspired Trenton's motto "Trenton makes, the world takes." that adorns the Warren Street bridge, making it the perfect place to hold such a innovative community driven event.

I was born in Trenton, New Jersey and I grew up in the neighboring suburb of Hamilton township. We didn't have art all night back then, because it didn't start until 2006. However the street art I was often exposed to in Trenton, influenced me. I recall the bright colorful graffiti decorating the vacant warehouses, bridges and brick buildings. I tried to mimic the colors and style from a young age, which led me to dive further into other types of art, and expiriement, ultimately developing a style all my own. Growing up in Mercer county I remember the sitting beside, curiously inspecting Seward Johnson's bronze statues in Veterans park, (where my step father worked). Going to the Grounds for Sculpture, was awe inspiring to me as a child. Constantly being surrounded by art, in environments I played in, I viewed art as a literal playground.

My love of art was sparked by, a diverse city covered in it. While many won't think of Trenton, NJ as an ideal place to hail from, I am proud of my roots. I truly felt that pride this weekend, as I watched numerous volunteers pull together, the incredible event, that is Art All Night, which is in it's 10th consecutive year. I really have to give a big thank you, to Artworks for giving all artists opportunity to participate and giving the community, the ability to directly connect with such a large display of work.

If you are an artist (aspiring or professional), and you'd like to submit a piece, go read their rules, and join their mailing list so you won't miss out on it next year. Also if you want to attend and stay updated I suggest you do the same. You can also volunteer and get involved in Art All Night. They rely on volunteers, as this event continues to grow each year.

If you were a part of Art All Night Trenton, and one of the photos in the featured gallery post is of your artwork. Comment or contact me describing which one, and I will gladly link the image, and give you proper credit so others can quickly access your site to learn about your art.

Please reshare this blog post on social media, in return.

Thank you!

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