

People who feel pain, thats common. Someone who uses pain to create, this is an Artist.

I create daily. I come and I sit in my studio and I force myself to paint. Painting is a way for me to process my reality. I am able to express emotions and thoughts that I couldn't otherwise put out there in words. Sometimes my work is good and I release it, other times it is crap. Not everything an artist creates is a masterpiece. It takes me many tries to put out something worth sharing with the masses. Other pieces I hold onto, I keep them rather private. I also scrap pieces from time to time and start over. I think this is a common thing. Some of the pieces I hold onto, I will keep and come back to later, with a different perspective, Overall, art is a way for each of us to express ourselves. I think anyone can create something expressive of how they feel. Just pick a medium and try. Sure, it takes years of trial and error, and lots of practice to master your medium. But just trying to learn something new, and having that accomplishment of creating something all your own is gratifying enough. If you push yourself to keep at it, you can only continue to learn and improve.

#art #create #stress #anxiety #pain #improving #expression #depression #trialanderror #learning

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