Doctor Strange
"You can't show up here like that.” He whispered, from his bed, as she walked into the room to grab his chart and check his vitals.
"Like what?" she spoke. Her words muffled. He could hear the smile in her voice, although the doctor's face was hidden behind a colorful protective mask, and he felt a bit more at ease to her unusual appearance.
"I don't even understand why you would go through all the effort of decorating that blasted thing!" He was upset, and his eyes looked lucid again, the hallucinations showed up whenever they administered more painkiller.
"Hmm?" she peeped, looking toward him questioning him with one small sound.
"Daisy. One of your eyes is a daisy. The colors and lines they keep moving. Moving patterns, glowing orbs. Everything is so beautiful." He reached up to her and pointed at her right eye. She looked at him, counting the freckles on his nose as she checked his heart rate and breathing. He was a thin awkward boy just reaching adolescence.
"You know you see things." she started. "Things you aren't yet supposed to be seeing." She touched the tip of his nose and he squished it up, making a face at her. There was a long pause as he considered what the strange colorful doctor was saying.
"Am I not supposed to see you? Are you here with me?" He asked.
"Maybe," she whispered before standing up and vanishing into the orange glow of the sun. He rubbed his eyes, searching the room for her. His mind reeling at this shocking unveiling of his unstable state. "Was she here? Who was that? What is real anymore? Is this how it ends? Is this part of death? Am I dying?" his mind raced as he mumbled some of these thoughts to himself. He sat up a bit looking around the room to verify his surroundings once more.
"It's ok. You aren't ready yet." He heard her voice whisper, although she was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the sunlight coming in between slits of the blinds on the window. His mind continued wandering, trying to make sense of it all. If that was the grim reaper, she didn't look at all like he’d expected.
Doctor Strange
Short story and Artwork by Krissy Whiski
Original painting has SOLD.