Follow the Wrong Rabbit

I watched Donnie Darko last night with popcorn and M&M's, and a glass of Four Roses. Not that anyone
cares... but I love that movie. Frank the Rabbit is awesome. Instead of "follow the white rabbit", I decided to create a quick watercolor and ink Frank painting called "Follow the Wrong Rabbit". Because let's face it, Frank is a twisted, time hopping ghost, who helps Donnie not die, but everyone else dies in the process. Well actually Donnie is twisted, and I like it. But Frank has so much more appeal. If have you have found yourself at this page, reading this post, you are seeing the work in progress. It's not done, but with a little time hopping it could be. It's an 18x24" watercolor, and I plan to frame it and sell it. If you are interested in purchasing him before I list him for sale. Please contact me to discuss.

#donniedarko #franktherabbit #whiterabbit #followthewrongrabbit #frankthebunny #surrealmovies #weirdmovies #strangemovies