New Hope Arts Salon Show

New Hope Pennsylvania, will always have a special place in my heart, because I grew up less than 10 minutes away from this quirky town. I remember visiting New Hope, PA and Lambertville, NJ as a child, and I always enjoyed checking out the local art galleries, antique stores, oddity shops and restaurants. It's always been an area where art thrives. New Hope, PA has always had a unique bohemian vibe, that you can feel even when visiting for just a short time. A few months ago, I visited the area, and was thrilled to see that vibe was still present and it has continued to flourish. One of my stops that day was at the New Hope Arts building on Stockton Ave. I asked a few questions which Colleen Prichard, warmly answered and even urged me to join the arts society. I am happy that I did. Because I received an email almost immediately from New Hope art Society, inviting me to participate in the annual member salon show. Their Annual Salon show includes one piece of artwork from each member of the New Hope Arts league. This year over 99 artists exhibited an artwork of their choice. I chose my "Spoonful of Sugar" painting, because not only is she one of my favorite recent pieces, I've created; I feel she represents my body of artwork well. While attending the reception I took note of the diversity and quality of art exhibited. I wasn't aware awards would be given and I was both shocked and honored that I was selected to share a "first time exhibitor award". It was quite a privilege and I'll admit even a bit daunting to be among such talented artists. But, I must say, New Hope Arts is warm and welcoming. I look forward to participating in future shows.
The concept behind my "Spoonful of Sugar" painting, and information about owning the original piece of art is available by clicking on the link. Prints of this piece are also available through my Society6 shop.

#newhopearts #newhopepa #salonshow #firsttimeexhibitor #award #spoonfulofsugar