Nude Night Philly This Saturday
Me and this beauty (pictured below) are taking a trip to drop her off at NUDE NIGHT Philly 2017! These photos don't really do her justice, sorry for the glare. You'll have to come see her in person this Saturday! It's going to be so awesome.
Nude Night is a yearly art event exhibiting tastefully nude artwork from 30 incredible local artists. Proceeds from art and ticket sales and 50/50 raffle go toward Breast Cancer Research Foundations. You can expect to see Nude Figure Drawing, Aerial Silk Dancers, Body Painting, Performance Art, Food prepared by local restaurants, Libations, Live Music by the Space Cats. ART PREVIEW: runs during the day from 1pm-5pm, includes light snacks and drinks. NUDE NIGHT: starts at 5pm-11pm and is a 21+ event. .
For those of you wondering I have named her "Wanderlust". On the back of this painting I wrote a few lines of poetry, while trying to decide on her title. Every time I look at her I think of Jimi Hendrix song "Little Wing" and smile. Oh and yes that is corn behind me, that's like 10 feet tall. I live among the Amish. It's surreal.
If you're not busy Saturday then I'll hopefully I'll see you this Friday night at the Fused Underground art show, which is at Tattooed Mom's on South Street. Fused is free, just show up and have a great time ! Maybe buy some art and support your local artists! Come in costume, because there is a costume contest! See you this weekend!

#undergroundart #nudenight #breastcancer #fightbreastcancerwithart #philly #Philadelphiaevents #thingstodophilly #artshowsphilidelphia #localphillyartists #tattoedmoms #krissywhiski #southstreetphilly #wanderlust #amishartist #lancasterartist #nudenightphilly #spacecats