VIDEO LIVE LINKS: Pancakes & Booze DC and The Fused Underground Art Show at Tattooed Mom

Click HERE to see the Facebook live video, of me and MMR founder Hailey Dollar selecting our winner during the event!
Here's another awesome live video posted by Hailey, at MRR, that explains the charity fundraiser, and shows my awesome booth at Pancakes&Booze DC.
Below is the piece of art that was raffled of. It is a framed original piece of artwork.
It was an extremely personal piece of artwork to me, that I felt fit perfectly with the cause, and mission of MMR.

I will be doing a ton of art shows in the remaining months of this year. I also plan on having more awesome contests in the future, so be sure to subscribe to my email list. Go to the bottom of my website and fill out the form, if you haven't already. Subscribers gain access to fan only content, like free coloring book pages of art that I have sketched out. Sometimes it is art that has never before been released, and I let my fans color it in, and share it with me on social media. Which if the response to one of my sketches is great, I choose to continue on with the piece, painting it and bringing it to life! Subscribers are also the first to know, when I will be doing public shows, and even INVITE only events. So what are you waiting for? SUBSCRIBE NOW!
CLICK HERE to see my Facebook live stream during the Fused Underground on August 5th, at the legendary Tattooed Mom's in Philadelphia. It was definitely the first Friday after party for the arts scene. We had quite the crowd and it was a tons of fun! Hope to see new faces at the next event, first Friday in October!
#pancakesbooze #fusedunderground #artshows #dc #washingtondc #philly #phillyartshows #Philadelphiaevents #tattooedmom #charity #mmr #mymentorrocks #fundraiser #suicideprevention #haileydollar #tshirts #prints